14. Social Change (History Quiz)

14. Social Change (History Quiz) Questions

  • 1

    Capital of Chola-
    A. Somnath
    B. Madurai
    C. Thanjavur
    D. Tirupati

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  • 2

    What is true about Rajarajeshvara temple?
    i. It was built by Cholas
    ii. Architect of the temple carved his name on temple wall
    iii. Inside of it massive Durga idol was placed
    A. Only i and ii
    B. Only i and iii
    C. Only ii and iii
    D. All of the above

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  • 3

    At which place in Thanjavur the sthapatis or sculptors make exquisite bronze idols and tall, ornamental bell metal lamps.
    A. Madurai
    B. Svamimalai
    C. Kanchipuram
    D. Bhillasvamin

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  • 4

    Which of the following is true about Ajmer?
    i. Capital of Chauhan kings
    ii. Khwaja Muinuddin Chishti settled here in 15th century
    iii. It Became the suba headquarters under the Mughals.
    A. Only i and ii
    B. Only i and iii
    C. Only ii and iii
    D. All of the above

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  • 5

    What is true regarding bronze and bell metal?
    A. Bronze is an alloy of copper and tin whereas bell metal contains greater proportion of tin than other kinds of bronze
    B. Bronze is an alloy of tin and lead whereas bell metal contains greater proportion of tin than other kinds of bronze
    C. Bronze is an alloy of copper and tin whereas bell metal contains greater proportion of tin than other kinds of bronze
    D. Bronze is an alloy of copper and iron whereas bell metal contains greater proportion of copper than other kinds of bronze

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  • 6

    Who was called Samanta?
    A. Zamindar
    B. Architect
    C. Farmer
    D. Sculptor

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  • 7

    Manigramam was-
    A. temple town
    B. guild
    C. technique used in making bronze idols
    D. none of these

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  • 8

    Saliyar or Kaikkolars were-
    A. goldsmiths
    B. masons
    C. weavers
    D. blacksmith

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  • 9

    Which of the following is called gate to Mecca?
    A. Surat
    B. Hampi
    C. Ajmer
    D. Massulipattnam

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  • 10

    Which of the following is true regarding Hampi?
    A. It is located in Krishna-Tungabhadra basin
    B. No cementing agent was used in construction of walls here
    C. Mahanavami festival celebrated at Hampi.
    D. All of the above

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