3. The Parliament (Polity Quiz)

3. The Parliament (Polity Quiz) Questions

  • 1

    Parliament is composed of-
    A. Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha
    B. Rajya Sabha, Lok Sabha and Supreme Court
    C. Rajya Sabha, Lok Sabha, Supreme Court and President
    D. Rajya Sabha, Lok Sabha and President

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  • 2

    Which of the following is true about Rajya Sabha?
    i. It is a temporary house
    ii. 2 members are nominated by the President

    A. Only i
    B. Only ii
    C. Both i and ii
    D. None of these

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  • 3

    Which of the following is false regarding Lok Sabha?
    A. 2 members are nominated by the President
    B. It is a permanent house
    C. Maximum strength of this house is 552
    D. It is presided by the speaker

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  • 4

    Who is the leader of the ruling party?
    A. Chief justice of India
    B. President
    C. Prime Minister
    D. Governor

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  • 5

    What is a coalition government?
    A. Joining of different parties to get the majority
    B. Joining of legislative council members to show the majority
    C. Joining of Judiciary and Executive
    D. None of the above

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  • 6

    Rajya Sabha functions primarily as-
    A. Representative of states of India in the parliament
    B. Highest law -making body
    C. Controlling judiciary of the country
    D. All of the above

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  • 7

    Which of the following statements is false?
    A. Rajya sabha can initiate legislation
    B. Lok Sabha is called the House of People
    C. Members in Rajya Sabha are elected for five years
    D. None of the above

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  • 8

    Parliament, while in session, begins with
    A. Public hour
    B. Question hour
    C. Privilege hour
    D. Zero Hour

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  • 9

    What is false regarding opposition party?
    A. It is the largest party amongst the opposition
    B. It helps in healthy functioning of democracy
    C. It cannot raise questions against the government
    D. None of the above

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  • 10

    Who needs to implement the law made by the Parliament?
    A. Executive
    B. Legislature
    C. Judiciary
    D. President

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