How to Prepare for AAI JE AO Exam 2023

How to Prepare for AAI JE AO Exam 2023

October 30, 2022

How to Prepare for AAI JE AO Exam 2023

AAI AO 2023 Exam Preparation

In this page, we will show you how to crack AAI AO 2023 Exam. Please read the complete article here.

First you must aware with the AAI AO 2023 Exam Pattern. There are 2 Sections i.e. One is Technical and another is non-Technical. In Technical Section, there are three subjects i.e., one is Mathematics {11th, 12th Mathematics}, 2nd is {Physics (11th, 12th Concepts of Physics)} and 3rd one is Business Management. In Non-Technical Section, there are five subjects i.e., Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Aptitude, English Language, General Awareness and Aviation Industry, Total 120 marks will be awarded. There is no negative marking and you have to solve the complete AO 2023 Question paper in 2 hours i.e., 120 minutes.

सबसे पहले आपको AAI AO 2023 परीक्षा पैटर्न से अच्छी तरह अवगत होना होगा। इसमें 2 सेक्शन हैं यानी एक टेक्निकल है और दूसरा नॉन टेक्निकल है | टेक्निकल खंड में, तीन विषय होते हैं यानी एक {मैथमेटिक्स11th, 12th मैथमेटिक्स}, दूसरा {फिजिक्स (11वीं, 12वींकॉन्सेप्ट्स ऑफ़ फिजिक्स)} और तीसरा बिज़नेस मैनेजमेंट है। नॉन टेक्निकल खंड में, पांच विषय हैं यानी क्वांटिटेटिव एप्टीट्यूड, रीजनिंग एप्टीट्यूड, इंग्लिश लैंग्वेज, जनरल अवेयरनेस और एविएशन इंडस्ट्री। इसमें टोटल 120 मार्क्स दिए जाएंगे। निगेटिव मार्किंग नहीं है और आपको पूरा AO 2023 Question Paper 2 घंटे यानी 120 मिनट में हल करना होगा।

AAI AO 2023 Exam Pattern
Subject Marks
11th, 12th Mathematics 24
11th, 12th Physics 24
Business Management 12
GK/Aviation Industry 15
Quantitative Aptitude 15
Reasoning Aptitude 15
English Language 15
Total 120
AAI AO Cut Off 2023
AAI AO Cut Off
AAI AO 2023 Exam Eligibility Criteria

What is the age criteria for Junior Executive (Airport Operations) Examination 2023?

Answer: Maximum Age for Junior Executive (Airport Operations) is 27 Years.

What is the Educational Qualification criteria for Junior Executive (Airport Operations) Examination 2023?

Answer: Graduate in Science and MBA of 2 years duration OR Bachelor’s degree in Engineering.

A. Degree/Diploma/Certificate/Membership Examination should be:-

(i) From a Recognized/Deemed university or from an apex institution i.e. (IIT/IIMs/XLRI/TISS etc.) recognized by Govt. of India; and
(ii) Percentage of marks: – Minimum 60% marks or equivalent for Bachelor’s Degree and also for P.G. Degree/Diploma including MBA.

B. Candidates having B.E./B. Tech/ B. Sc. (Engg.) Degree is allowed to apply against the posts for which essential qualification is prescribed as Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering.

What is the pay scale for Junior Executive (Airport Operations)?

Answer: Junior Executive (E-1): – Rs.40000-3%-140000 In addition to Basic pay, Dearness Allowance, Perks @ 35% of Basic pay, HRA and other benefits which include CPF, Gratuity, Social Security Schemes, Medical benefits etc. are admissible as per AAI rules. The CTC per annum for the post of Junior Executive it would be around Rs. 12 lacs. (approximately).

What is the in-hand salary for Junior Executive (Airport Operations)?

Answer: In Hand Salary
Basic Pay: 40000
DA (Old): 6880 (17%)
DA (New): 12400 (31%) (In July 2021, and DA rate was increased from 17% to 28%. With a 3% hike now, the DA rate is 31%.)
HRA (Old): 9600 (24%- In Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai- Old – 24%, 16%, 18%)
HRA (New-Revised): 10800(27%- In Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai- New – 27%, 18%, 9%)
Perks: 14000 (35%)
Deductions (PF+TAX): Around (7000-8000)
Net Salary: 40000+ 12400+10800+14000= 77200- 7200 (Deductions)= Around 70000

Can final year students are eligible for Junior Executive (Airport Operations) Exam 2023?

Answer: Age, Experience and all other eligibility criteria shall be reckoned as on 30.11.2020. Candidates whose result for final year examination is awaited are allowed to appear in the on-line examination, subject to the condition that they will produce the final result at the time of documents verification. As per the AO Notification 2020: Candidate should have passed/appeared for final semester examination before the crucial date/cut-off date i.e., 30.11.2020 and should be able to produce the final result at the time of documents verification. In previous recruitment AO 2020, Final Year students were not eligible.

Is Diploma + B.Tech eligible for Junior Executive (Airport Operations) Exam 2023?

Answer: No

Can a student apply for more than one posts, if he/she is eligible?

Answer: Yes. Candidates can apply for multiple numbers of posts with separate registration for each post, subject to the condition that they fulfil all other eligibility criteria required for the post and deposit the fee separately for each post as applicable.

Are ATC Exam or AO Exam held on the same day or on different days?

Answer: Different Days

Is a student eligible if he scored 59% marks?

Answer: No. Rounding off the percentage of marks will not be acceptable under any circumstances for consideration for appointment i.e., 59.99% will be treated as less than 60%.

Is driving license mandatory for Junior Executive (Airport Operations) Exam 2023?

Answer: Yes, you must submit copy of Permanent Driving License at the time of Documents Verification.

When a student can submit his EWS/OBC/SC/ST Certificate?

Answer: At the time of Documents Verification/Interview
EWS Certificate:- Candidates belonging to EWS category shall have to submit the EWS certificate in prescribed format issued by the Competent Authority so as to prove that they belong to “EWS Category “at the time of documents verification/interview.
OBC Certificate:- The candidates applying against vacancies reserved for OBCs should note that they have to produce a valid OBC (NCL) certificate at the time of documents verification/interview.
SC/ST Certificate:- Candidates belonging to SC/ST category shall have to submit the Caste certificate issued by the Competent Authority at the time of documents verification/interview.