CGPDTM EXAM PREPARATION: ✅ Have you started CGPDTM Exam Preparation? What are you waiting for? Join India’s best education platform and secure your seat in the Patent Office. It’s time to make your dreams come true. We were with you and we will remain with you till your selection!!
You have to well aware with the CGPDTM Patent Officer Exam Pattern 2024. There are 2 Sections i.e. One is CGPDTM Prelims Exam and another is CGPDTM Mains Exam. In Prelims exam, there are six subjects i.e. Numerical Ability, Reasoning Aptitude, English Language, General Knowledge, General Science and Intellectual Properties. It will consist of one paper of objective type multiple choice questions and will comprise of 150 marks.
The Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks (CGPDTM) administers the Industrial Property laws related to Patents (Patents Act 1970), Designs (Designs Act, 2000), Trade Marks (Trade Marks Act, 1999) and Geographical Indications (Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration & Protection) Act 1999) in the country. The CGPDTM is also the Registrar of Copyrights and Registrar of Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Layout-Design.
The headquarter of the Office of Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks is located at Mumbai. The Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Intellectual Property Management (RGNIIPM) and Patent Information System (PIS), Nagpur also function under the superintendence and administrative control of the CGPDTM.
Join India’s Best Online Coaching for CGPDTM Exam
CGPDTM Previous Year Question Papers: Before appearing for the CGPDTM exam, it is important that you practice mock papers and CGPDTM previous year question papers as much as you can. CGPDTM Previous Year Question Papers will increase your speed and accuracy as you will know what type of questions will be asked during the exam.
Features of CGPDTM Online Course:
✅ Useful for CGPDTM PRELIMS & MAINS PAPER-I {Subjects Covered- Intellectual Property Rights, WIPO, Quantitative Aptitude, English Language, Reasoning Aptitude, General Science and Current Affairs & GK}
✅ Classes Available in Hinglish {Video Lectures in Hinglish (Only Terms Used in English, Rest in Hindi), Test Series, Practice Questions in English Language Only}.
✅ Free Guidance Till Your Selection.
✅ 100+ Free Mock Test for Prelims & Mains Paper-1
✅ Free Interview Guide PDF (Specially designed for registered candidates.)
✅ Dedicated Telegram Group for registered candidates. (You can ask your queries/doubts any time.)
➡️ Full Course (200+ Hours)- Fully Recorded Session Only
➡️ You can study at your own pace and time, according to your convenience.
➡️ You can access the course from anywhere in the world, as long as you have an internet connection.
➡️ You can watch the video lectures as many times as you need to, until you fully understand the concepts.
➡️ You get all the videos at once, so you don’t have to wait for any specific lecture. This means you can start studying right away, and you can also watch the videos in any order that you want.
➡️ All the classes will be provided in recorded form on Website and on our Android App.
➡️ Class notes will be uploaded on Website and Android App.
➡️ Accessible from Laptop/Desktop & Android App
➡️ This course is only for Prelims & Mains Paper-1 (Descriptive Preparation not included, although we will provide full guidance till your selection).
➡️ Note- Free Guidance is for Registered Candidates Only.
➡️ Note- Please read cancellations and refund policy carefully before purchasing any course.
✅ Note- Prashant Chaturvedi stands all power to manipulate the offerings according to the exam date announcements so that it will benefit all and the course does not target any individual demands. We possess all power to complete the syllabus accordingly and we are not liable for announcement of exam dates early or after course expiry date.
CGPDTM Exam Pattern (Prelims)
Subject | Marks |
Numerical Ability | 30 |
Reasoning Aptitude | 30 |
English Language | 15 |
General Science | 30 |
GK, Current Affairs | 30 |
IP legislation in India, WIPO and related treaties | 15 |
Total | 150 |
In CGPDTM Mains Exam, there are two papers. Paper- I and Paper- II.
CGPDTM Exam Pattern (Mains)
Subject | Marks |
Elementary Mathematics | 20 |
Reasoning Aptitude | 20 |
English Language | 20 |
General Knowledge | 20 |
Intellectual Property | 20 |
Subjective Paper (Subject Paper) | 300 |
Total | 400 |
CGPDTM Patent Officer Exam 2023: Watch Video
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