19. Ruling The Countryside (History Quiz)

19. Ruling The Countryside (History Quiz) Questions

  • 1

    Who was appointed as Diwan of Bengal on 12 August, 1765?
    A. Warren Hasting
    B. Robert Clive
    C. Dalhousie
    D. William Bentick

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  • 2

    In permanent settlement, Charge of collecting revenue was given to-
    A. Village headman
    B. Rajas and taluqdars
    C. Peasants
    D. None of the above

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  • 3

    Who was the Governor-General of India when the Permanent settlement was introduced?
    A. Thomas Munro
    B. Warren Hastings
    C. Chelmsford
    D. Charles Cornwallis

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  • 4

    Identify the settlement from the given hints-
    i. Holt Mackenzie devised this system
    ii. Charge of collecting revenue shifted to village headman
    A. Permanent settlement
    B. Ryotwari settlement
    C. Mahalwari settlement
    D. Zamindari settlement

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  • 5

    Ryotwari system was first tried on small scale in areas of Tipu Sultan by-
    A. Charles Cornwallis
    B. Holt Mackenzie
    C. Alexander Read
    D. Warren Hasting

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  • 6

    Who were called ryots in ryotwari settlement?
    A. Village headman
    B. Rajas and taluqdars
    C. Cultivators
    D. Zamindars

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  • 7

    Which settlement was used in Bengal, Bihar and Orissa region?
    A. Permanent settlement
    B. Ryotwari settlement
    C. Mahalwari settlement
    D. None of these

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  • 8

    Plant woad was used where and why?
    A. In Asia, for medicinal purpose
    B. In Europe, for blue and violet colour
    C. In Africa, for food
    D. In India, for indigo

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  • 9

    What is true about plant woad?
    i. It is a tropic zone plant
    ii. Dye from woad was pale and dull
    iii. European woad producers pressurised govt. to ban import of indigo
    A. Only i and ii
    B. Only i and iii
    C. Only ii and iii
    D. All of these

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  • 10

    Two main systems of indigo cultivation-
    A. Nij and ryoti
    B. Ryoti and mahal
    C. Nij and zaid
    D. Zaid and rabi

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